futile wishes

i wish i could hold you tonight

fill our emptiness with silent warmth

i wish i could hold your hand

let my lips touch your palms,

let my palms say all my lips can’t

i wish i could hold you tonight

the spaces between our fingers none

let my arms be your home

your body would find

in the dark

i wish i could hold you tonight

my shoulders are your tears’

to fall on, to fill

i wish i could hold you tonight

even just for tonight

in the universe’s perfect time: one day

One day, someone will calm and tame all your demons.
One day, someone’s voice will silence all the voices in your head.
One day, someone will see your scars and still think you’re a
beautiful soul.

Or maybe, one day you’d realize no one ever will.

Someone will come to welcome all your demons as theirs.
Someone will come and even though they cannot silence all the
other voices, they will remind you to listen to theirs: that you are
loved and worthy.
Someone will come and ask you to stop giving yourself scars, but
will remind you in case you find it hard, that your pain is theirs and
so are your tears and dark days.

Maybe for now you to listen to the beats of your own silence.
Maybe for now you have to mend yourself.
Maybe now is the time you truly understand – you can no longer
rely your salvation on someone else’s willing soul.
It has to be your own.